Consultancy and distribution to Apple Music/iTunes Store by The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)
いろのみ: 蟲庭
[ryoondo-tea DES068]
1. 蟲庭 scene I
2. 蟲庭 scene II
3. 蟲庭 scene III
いろのみ ライブ盤epで登場
『electronic evening 電子音楽の夕べ』20周年開催記念リリース第四弾はいろのみ。
秋の夜長。法然院の浄土庭園でこの世の生を謳歌する蟲たちの調べとの共演。2023年に20周年を迎えた『electronic evening 電子音楽の夕べ』。開催記念リリース第四弾はいろのみ。普段は非公開の法然院方丈にて開催された『electronic evening 2023 電子音楽の夕べ』でのいろのみのライヴをもとに『蟲庭』3つのシーンを構成、ライブ盤epとしてリリースします。
Long autumn nights. Co-starring with the music of insects enjoying life in this world in the Pure Land garden of Honen-in Temple. "Electronic evening" will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2023. The fourth release to commemorate the event is Ironomi. We will compose three scenes of "Mushiniwa" based on Ironomi's live performance at "electronic evening 2023 electronic music evening" held at Honen-in Hojo, which is usually closed to the public, and will release it as a live album EP.