


歌:佐藤多歌子 (fantaholic)


Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Seika Iwashita): Secret Garden

Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Seika Iwashita): Secret Garden - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

1. Secret Garden

Toshiyuki Yasuda (Composed, Piano, Synth, Mix, Mastering, Art Direction)
Seika Iwashita (Lyrics, Vocals)
Masaharu Iida (Double Bass)
Yukie Murakami (Photos, Designed)
Kati (Model)
© The Institute of Music and Environment LLC


リリース3曲目「Secret Garden」は、1990年代からソロ、ローズ・リミテッド、5th Gardenなどで活動してきた岩下清香を作詞家、歌手として迎えたフォーク・ジャズ。2021年の夏に法然院で行われた「electronic evening 電子音楽の夕べ」(涼音堂主催)出演のために書き下ろした共作曲の録音版。シンプルな音像の中に芳醇な倍音を感じられるような共演です。

5 advance singles from Toshiyuki Yasuda's 7th album will be released in sequence from March 2024. This is an album with a very simple instrumentation, representing the peak of Toshiyuki Yasuda's music, which has transitioned from conceptual to non-conceptual and from electronic to acoustic. The album is jazz-like authenticity, which have beautiful compositions like a standard, performed only with just felt piano, double bass, singing, and slight synths. All 4 featured singers are Japanese female artists, and the lyrics are convincingly written in their native language and aim to convey the power of women.

The 3rd release "Secret Garden" is a folk jazz featuring Seika Iwashita, who has been acting as a solo artist, Rose Limited, 5th Garden and etc since the 1990s, as a lyricist and singer. It's a record version of a co-composition for the "electronic evening" (organized by Ryoondo) held at Honen-in Temple in the summer of 2021. A collaboration where you can feel the rich overtones in a simple sound image.


Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Noriko Yamamoto): Um filme pra nós dois - Single

Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Noriko Yamamoto): Um filme pra nós dois - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

1. Um filme pra nós dois

Toshiyuki Yasuda (Composed, Piano, Synth, Chorus, Mix, Mastering, Art Direction)
Noriko Yamamoto (Lyrics, Vocals, Guitar)
Masaharu Iida (Double Bass)
Yukie Murakami (Photos, Designed)
Kati (Model)
© The Institute of Music and Environment LLC


リリース2曲目「Um filme pra nós dois」は、ブラジル音楽を中心に活動する山本のりこを作詞家、歌手として迎えたボサ・ノヴァ。同じくブラジル音楽を一つのテーマとしてきた安田寿之との共作、共演は、日本人によるボサ・ノヴァの一つの骨頂を示しています。

5 advance singles from Toshiyuki Yasuda's 7th album will be released in sequence from March 2024. This is an album with a very simple instrumentation, representing the peak of Toshiyuki Yasuda's music, which has transitioned from conceptual to non-conceptual and from electronic to acoustic. The album is jazz-like authenticity, which have beautiful compositions like a standard, performed only with just felt piano, double bass, singing, and slight synths. All 4 featured singers are Japanese female artists, and the lyrics are convincingly written in their native language and aim to convey the power of women.

The 2nd release "Um filme pra nós dois" is a bossa nova song featuring Noriko Yamamoto, who is active mainly in Brazilian music, as lyricist and singer. The collaboration with Toshiyuki Yasuda, who has also taken Brazilian music as his theme, shows one peak of Japanese bossa nova.


Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Lica): Lulu - Single

Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Lica): Lulu - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

1. Lulu

Toshiyuki Yasuda (Composed, Piano, Mix, Mastering, Art Direction)
Lica (Lyrics, Vocals)
Noriko Yamamoto (Guitar)
Masaharu Iida (Double Bass)
Yukie Murakami (Photos, Designed)
Kati (Model)
© The Institute of Music and Environment LLC



5 advance singles from Toshiyuki Yasuda's 7th album will be released in sequence from March 2024. This is an album with a very simple instrumentation, representing the peak of Toshiyuki Yasuda's music, which has transitioned from conceptual to non-conceptual and from electronic to acoustic. The album is jazz-like authenticity, which have beautiful compositions like a standard, performed only with just felt piano, double bass, singing, and slight synths. All 4 featured singers are Japanese female artists, and the lyrics are convincingly written in their native language and aim to convey the power of women.

The 1st release "Lulu" is a waltz featuring Lica as the lyricist and singer, who has been acting in Bophana. A beautiful and expansive melody is sung by a unique voice with a strong core.


Amusement Vol.8


Amusement Vol.8
[Fujipacific Music Inc. MLCD-1170]

Spotify, Ototoy

4. Multicolored Dream -- 安田寿之
12. Electrical Mini Pop -- 安田寿之
20. My Silver Clouds -- 安田寿之



The Firefly Clan & Toshiyuki Yasuda: Soaring - Single

The Firefly Clan & Toshiyuki Yasuda: Soaring - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

1. Soaring

The Firefly Clan (Composition, Lyrics, Vocals, Guitar)
Toshiyuki Yasuda (Piano, Mixing, Mastering, Artwork)

The Firefly Clan recorded at somos
Toshiyuki Yasuda recorded at The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)

Mountain: Luossavaara

グナワ文化とブルースに精通し独自の融合を行うThe Firefly Clan(津嶋利仁)と、世界的コンピ「Red Hot + Rio 2」への参加(Atom™ + Toshiyuki Yasuda Feat. Fernanda Takai + Moreno Veloso)などをキャリアハイライトの一つとしながら音楽と社会の新しい関わりを模索し続ける安田寿之は、信頼し合う仲間として共演を行ってきた。今作は、The Firefly Clanが沖縄の美しい宿somosで行ったギターと歌の録音をベースに、安田寿之がフェルトピアノをダビングし仕上げる連作最後の第七弾。

Well versed in Gnawa music and blues, The Firefly Clan (a.k.a Toshihito Tsushima) has been pursuing a unique style of fusion music. Toshiyuki Yasuda, with his participation in the global compilation "Red Hot + Rio 2" (Atom™ + Toshiyuki Yasuda Feat. Fernanda Takai + Moreno Veloso) as one of the highlights of his career, continues to explore new relationships between music and society. The Firefly Clan and Toshiyuki Yasuda have been collaborating and occasionally performing together as trusted partners in music. The single is the last seventh in a series of works in which Toshiyuki Yasuda dubs felt piano based on guitar and vocal recordings made by The Firefly Clan at the beautiful inn in Okinawa "somos".
The lyrics sings about how bombings, natural disasters, and unexpected tragedies can tear an ordinary day apart and traumatize the entire city. Yet the sun will rise giving hope with the promise of a brand new day.


Soundscape "Morning" on Atmoph Window 2

プロデュースする「Atmoph Window 2」の「サウンドスケープ」機能に、風景カテゴリー「Morning」が追加されました。(ver. 4.1.2

Produced the new "Morning" Soundscape on Atmoph Window 2 (ver. 4.1.2), following "Sea", "Woods", "Fall", "Night", "Flower" and "Evening". Users can change layers of music in 5 levels as before.

姫野朋久(フルート)、津嶋利仁(The Firefly Clan)(エレクトリック・ギター)、安田寿之(プロディース、その他)

Soundscape "Night" , "Flower" and "Evening" on Atmoph Window 2
talk about Atmoph soundscape
Soundscape "Woods" and "Fall" on Atmoph Window 2
Soundscape "Sea" on Atmoph Window 2




(Imaginária Records)

1. A1 Toshiyuki Yasuda - Baiza (Piano Solo)
2. A2 Reske - Down
3. A3 Claudio Iacono - Esto
4. A4 John Beltran - Seasons Go [Instrumental Version]
5. B1 antennasia - Spiral Sequence [Vau Mix]
6. B2 Djale & LucaEffeSunset - What Happened
7. B3 Gianni Denitto + FiloQ - Grab Your Coffee (From Here To 612 Nautical Miles)

スペインとポルトガルに拠点を置くImaginária Recordsによるコンピレーション「(EL MUNDO ES SONIDO) THE WORLD IS SOUND - SECOND: THE PLACE」(レコード + デジタルアルバム)に「Baiza (Piano Solo)」が収録されました。3作によるシリーズの第2弾で、場所がテーマとのこと。人生、研究の本質、出会いの豊かさの比喩となる形而上学的な旅の歩み。私たちの外側にあるものとの出会いは、内側に深く根付いているものとのそれになるのを感じさせる。そういう哲学がコンセプトのようです。果てに行って懐かしさを覚える、あの感じだろうか。象徴として、溶岩がジャケットになっています。嬉しい偶然で、仙台の盟友antennasiaの作品も収録されています。

Noise pollution results when man does not listen carefully.
Noises are the sounds we have learned to ignore.
Which sounds do we want to preserve, encourage, multiply?

The soundtrack of Imaginària Records continues through the natural elements of our Planet. Split into the three moments of a single cycle, after the journey (The Trip) and then the places (The Place), to arrive at a conclusive return. The label traces the steps of a metaphysical journey that becomes a metaphor for life, the essence of research and the richness of encounters.
And it is in this record, The Place, that we feel how the encounter with the elements of the world, with the places of the Earth, with what is outside of us, actually becomes an encounter with what is deeply-rooted within us: the evocation of distant worlds and noises of Life, become an exploration of inner landscapes, where earth and fire return to immerse us in the unfathomable and obscure depths of being a Man. From here every noise of life springs and is reabsorbed, from here every vibration of the world starts and returns, to remind us, always and again, that 'the world is sound'.

The whole world is sound.


Close Encounter with Toshiyuki Yasuda

Close Encounter with Toshiyuki Yasuda

時間:19:30〜21:30(19:00 開場)
会場:モーガン サロン(〒168-0063 東京都杉並区和泉2-2-4(京王線代田橋駅から徒歩5分))

Morgan Fisherさんのライブイベントシリーズで、演奏とトークショーを行います。安田寿之のソロパフォーマンス、7thアルバム(2024年リリース予定)の試聴を含むトークショー、Morganさんとの即興デュオで構成。

MorganさんとはCM音楽制作会社で20年ほど前にお目にかかって以来、大先輩であるにも関わらず友人のように仲良くしていただいています。「-MONOPHONIC-ENSEMBLE-」にご参加いただいたり、「Portmanteau」を共作したり、幅広い制作の中で電子音楽などのジャンルの枠からはみ出すユニークさを共有しながら、交流を続けています。Terry Rileyさんに続くシリーズとのことで、光栄です!



ironomi: Mushiniwa

Consultancy and distribution to Apple Music/iTunes Store by The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)

いろのみ: 蟲庭
[ryoondo-tea DES068]

App Icon Apple Music

1. 蟲庭 scene I
2. 蟲庭 scene II
3. 蟲庭 scene III

いろのみ ライブ盤epで登場
『electronic evening 電子音楽の夕べ』20周年開催記念リリース第四弾はいろのみ。

秋の夜長。法然院の浄土庭園でこの世の生を謳歌する蟲たちの調べとの共演。2023年に20周年を迎えた『electronic evening 電子音楽の夕べ』。開催記念リリース第四弾はいろのみ。普段は非公開の法然院方丈にて開催された『electronic evening 2023 電子音楽の夕べ』でのいろのみのライヴをもとに『蟲庭』3つのシーンを構成、ライブ盤epとしてリリースします。

Long autumn nights. Co-starring with the music of insects enjoying life in this world in the Pure Land garden of Honen-in Temple. "Electronic evening" will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2023. The fourth release to commemorate the event is Ironomi. We will compose three scenes of "Mushiniwa" based on Ironomi's live performance at "electronic evening 2023 electronic music evening" held at Honen-in Hojo, which is usually closed to the public, and will release it as a live album EP.